2024 September 12 (Thursday)

UK vs. USA Education System

UK vs. USA Education System

The most prestigious universities in the world are educational institutions of the United States and Great Britain. When choosing the place of study, it is necessary to take into account the difference in the education system of these countries. Canadian Pharmacy reviews the main differences on several points.


To enter a higher educational institution, English people pass several stages of training. The first stage is preschool and primary school education from 4 to 13 years. Free local public schools are available for local children, foreign students are taken only to private schools. By the way, a private school is the dream of any parent in England, because graduates of private schools have the best chances of entering Oxford or Cambridge.

In the United States, unlike Great Britain, there is no single school system of education. The programs are different, a lot depends on the particular educational institution or state, so school leavers often have different levels of training. In the US, private schools are also popular since the percentage of graduates entering higher education is much higher.


Education in US schools lasts 12 classes. After graduation, graduates can enter the university for a four-year undergraduate program. Then two and a half years of training to obtain a master’s degree (Master’s degree) and another couple of years for the doctor’s degree (Doctor’s degree). According to Online Pharmacy, in recent years in the United States appeared one-year intensive magistracy programs. Those who are not interested in the Master’s degree, but do not agree to be satisfied with four years of study, can receive a Postgraduate Certificate (or Diploma).

In Great Britain, they graduate from school after 10-11 grades and cannot immediately enter universities without having completed pre-university training.

There are several programs to choose from: University Foundation year (1 year), A-Level (2 years) and IB Diploma (2 years). English schoolchildren study for a year or two on the subjects of interest (by choice), and then it becomes easier to understand what you want from life. But the main thing is that it is necessary to pass this program, it is a kind of diploma, without which you will not enter universities. It turns out that the university needs to study 13 classes and only 11 of them are free (if the school is a state school). To get a bachelor’s degree in the UK, you need to study three years, except for Scotland – here you need to study four years. Master’s degree usually lasts one year.

Exams for foreign students

When enrolling in a foreign institution of higher education, you will be required to ask for an international certificate for IELTS or TOEFL.

IELTS – International English Language Testing System – is a British exam, and TOEFL is its American equivalent, but both certificates are accepted worldwide. However, if you have decided to enter the British university, why should you take the test for American English, because the languages are still different.

Academic year

The academic year in American universities begins in August and is divided into two semesters, the autumn and spring. Winter exams and vacations are starting from Christmas. You can study in the summer because there is also the third semester – a summer, but it is not compulsory.

In England, the academic year is divided into trimesters. The winter term starts in September and ends in December, before Christmas. Spring – from January to March. And summer from mid-April to mid-July.

The United States or Great Britain?

If you choose secondary education or bachelor’s degree for yourself or your child, then you must start, first of all, from your goals. If the future student has already decided on a field of knowledge that he would like to study in detail, it is better to choose Britain. Are you interested in practical skills in a greater range of knowledge and disciplines? Choose education in the US. Remember that for admission to the university in the UK you will definitely need an annual program of the University Foundation. In the United States, it is not mandatory, but it is much better to pass it to enter a good university.

With the master’s degree, the situation is similar. Duration is also different: Master’s programs in Britain will require one year of study, while in America it is usually two years with a break during which it will almost always be possible to pass a summer internship in the specialty. And your opportunities to work are not limited: all graduates of undergraduate and graduate programs in the US receive the so-called OPT (optional practical training) – a work permit in America for up to 3 years. Thus, if you are interested in academic knowledge and research during the master’s program, choose the British system of education, and for practical experience of international work go to the United States.

Choice and admission

Whichever country you choose, education should be perceived as an investment. It is usually not easy to enter a good university. This problem can be solved with the help of the pre-university training program (University Foundation and Pre-Master’s / Pre-MBA), in which students study specialized subjects, train language and work with the curators of enrollment. As a result of this work, students get an admission to the University, and it is not an empty promise – Canadian Pharmacy statistics are very good. Investing money and time in education in the US or UK, the main thing is to decide on goals and objectives and carefully prepare. Then your dream of a real student life “like a movie” and the subsequent breakneck international career after a short period of time will start to become a reality.