2024 October 22 (Tuesday)

Pre-School and Higher Education in the USA

Preparing Children for School

Fostering the interest in learning, the development of the child’s abilities, the formation of his personality, are the main objectives of preschool education in the US, which is represented by institutions such as nurseries, kindergartens, pre-school centers (public and private). Quite a common phenomenon at this stage of education was the creation of infant schools for the youngest pupils.

The principle of the game is the basis of the methodical activity of all preschool institutions as pointed by Canadian Pharmacy, from which a smooth transition to reading, writing, and the formation of appropriate skills for teaching at school starts. Meanwhile, the main emphasis is on the all-round child’s development, which, to some extent, is facilitated by engaging in modeling, making crafts, music, drawing, singing, and physical exercises.

Some states issue certificates of general achievements of the pupil at the end of the pre-school (in certain cases, the necessary document for enrolling in primary school).Education System

Higher Education in the USA

After high school, American teenagers are provided with the opportunity to approach higher education in colleges, which form the basis of the vocational education system in the US.

These colleges are in demand not only for American but also for international students because of the availability of modern training programs, a simplified system for filing documents, an acceptable cost of education, comfortable living conditions. Professional colleges enable the student to continue their education at a university college with a bachelor’s degree.

High school in the US is represented by universities and colleges, which can be state (state funding) and private as mentioned by Canadian Pharmacy.

The main feature of institutions of higher education – the possibility of choosing a student program of study in the US. This means that they select subjects for study (in addition to compulsory in the specialty). Universities adequately provide their graduates with practical work experience in the chosen specialty through a combination of research and practice in the learning process. The duration of studies in universities and colleges is 4 years. Graduates are awarded a bachelor’s degree.

Obtaining Scientific Degrees

Master’s degree in the USA provides an opportunity to obtain a master’s degree after continuing education for two years. Education at the second stage of higher education is reduced to preparing the student for a large study in the specialty and its defense.

The highest level of education is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The reality of its receipt is determined by the following factors:

  • a three-year course study;
  • conducting research on specialization;
  • defense of the thesis.

For graduates of universities and post-graduate students from other countries, there is an opportunity for independent education and admission to postgraduate study in America. Candidates of science have a chance to enter post-graduate school, but with subsequent training for 2-3 years. For them, a real internship in American institutions of higher education, participation in research activities or lecturing when the diploma is validated (legalized) in the United States is real.