2024 October 22 (Tuesday)

6 Tuition-Free Colleges in the United States

6 Tuition-Free Colleges in the United States

American education is one of the most effective and prestigious in the whole world. Many people dream to study in the US, but often high prices for education do not let this dream to come true. An example provided by Canadian Pharmacy: the study at George Washington University costs almost $40,000 for the academic year, without taking into account the cost of textbooks and payment of accommodation. The list of the most expensive universities in the world includes American Sarah Lawrence College with an annual entrance ticket of about $40,000, Kenyon College – $40,000, Vassar College – $40,000, Bucknell University – more than $37,000. But today Online Pharmacy will tell you about six American universities where you can study for free!

Top 6 US Colleges Where You Can Study For Free!

The Cooper Union is a prestigious private university in New York, where the number of applicants for a place is several dozen candidates. Every year no more than 1000 students can enter this institution. The study costs $ 35,000 a year, but the entire amount is paid by the university. The Cooper Union trains bachelors and undergraduates.

Macaulay Honors College is part of The City University of New York (CUNY). This is a college for those who plan to enter CUNY. Only graduates of schools are accepted here. That is, if you already have a bachelor’s degree, you will not be accepted. To enter there, you must apply simultaneously to one of the colleges CUNY and Macaulay Honors College. If you are admitted to both, Macaulay Honors College will take care of study-associated costs, plus you will get a free MacBook, the opportunity to study in foreign universities and a free pass to most of the museums and other institutions in New York. Preference is usually given to New Yorkers, however, this program is also available to foreign students.

Yale School of Music is part of the Yale University in Connecticut (Ivy League University). There are programs only for masters and doctors. Yale School of Music received an anonymous donation in 2005, which allowed giving a 100% discount on study for each student.

College of the Ozarks is a private college in Missouri, offering only undergraduate programs. 235th in the Forbes rating (top 5%), the College of the Ozarks provides a Work Program, with which you can earn about $4,060 per year for study, plus the college will add the right amount to pay for studies. If you do not have any additional grants and scholarships, the university will allocate $13,500 to help you with payment.

Berea College is a private college in Kentucky, which offers education only to bachelors. 210th in the Forbes rating (top 5%), Berea College also pays 100% of the costs associated with training. In addition, you do not have to pay $24,100 per year, Berea College has the Work Program – all students are provided with work on the campus. Although the salary is very small – about $1200 a year, it allows you to partially pay for housing and other expenses (about $ 6,500 per year). Foreign students will also have to pay $1,000 a year (every year except for the first year of study), but the college offers summer work for foreign students to help them accumulate this amount. When you confirm receipt, you will have to pay a deposit of $2,200, which you can use for university expenses during your studies.

In 2009, another university opened in the United States, which our partner canadianhealthcarepharmacymall.com drew attention to – this is the University of the People – an online university, which teaches professors of various American educational institutions. The idea is to give an opportunity to all those who have not been able to enter a traditional university for some reason. And completely free. It offers only training in two specialties – “business management” and “computer technology” – in English.

As you can see, even in the USA there is an opportunity to receive a free higher education. Of course, being admitted to one of these universities is not easy, but it’s worth trying. All the exams and competitions can be reviewed on the websites of universities.